Hong Kong is promoting itself as an innovation and technology hub for companies looking to tap into the Asian market.
Policy News
Singapore to restructure comms and media bodies
ExpiredSingapore's Ministry of Communications And Information (MCI) is to restructure the Infocommunications Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) to form the Infocommunications Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA) and the Government Technology Organization (GTO), both to be formed in the second half of 2016.
GSMA tracks digital society progress in Asia
ExpiredThe GSMA has published a report '˜Advancing Digital Societies in Asia' saying it underscores the role mobile connectivity is playing in building digital societies across Asia. The report urges policymakers to support the development of digital ecosystems across the region.
Billions missing out on comms technology's benefits
ExpiredA new World Bank report says that while the internet, mobile phones and other digital technologies are spreading rapidly throughout the developing world, the anticipated digital dividends of higher growth, more jobs and better public services have fallen short of expectations, and 60 percent of the world's population remains excluded from the ever-expanding digital economy.
Global initiative to connect another 1.5 billion to the Internet
ExpiredA new global dialogue focused on getting the next 1.5 billion unconnected people online was forged at a special session of the UN Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development held at the World Economic Forum in Davos in late January.
China pushing for EU acceptance as a market economy
ExpiredAccording to Fu Jing, the China Daily's Brussels correspondent the EU can benefit by accepting China as a market economy.